
Google Tricks That Make Your Screen Go Crazy

Google is the world’s most popular search engine today. Millions of people rely on it daily for finding information. However, not everyone knows that typing certain words into Google can result in some amusing and unexpected effects on your screen. One such surprising trick involves making your screen shake! Curious? Let’s explore some fun search terms that cause quirky reactions on Google.

Drop Bear Surprise

Have you ever heard of the term Drop Bear? When you search for this word on Google, an entertaining visual treat awaits you. A bear icon will appear on your screen. When you click on this icon, the bear dramatically falls from above, and your screen starts shaking vigorously as if responding to the bear’s impact. It’s a playful trick that catches most users by surprise!

Chixuclub Meteor Effect

Searching the term Chixuclub on Google triggers another fascinating screen effect. The moment you hit search, a large rock resembling a meteor begins to fall from the top of your screen. Upon impact, the screen trembles, giving the impression of a giant stone crashing down from the sky. This clever animation mimics an asteroid strike, adding a bit of cosmic drama to your browsing experience.

Dart Mission Satellite Spin

If you type Dart Mission into Google, be prepared for a quirky twist. As soon as the search results load, you will see a satellite gliding across your screen from left to right. After the satellite completes its journey, your screen tilts and becomes slanted. This crooked view adds a playful and chaotic touch to your search session.

Last of Us Mushroom Invasion

Fans of the popular game series Last of Us are in for a treat when they search this title on Google. Upon searching, a new page opens with a mushroom icon at the bottom of the screen. Tapping this mushroom causes fungus-like growths to spread across your display. The more you tap, the more the fungi cover your screen, creating a fun and interactive visual effect inspired by the game.

These hidden Google search tricks are just a few examples of the delightful surprises the search engine has in store. Next time you’re looking for a quick laugh or want to impress your friends, try out these search terms and watch the magic unfold on your screen!

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